50 Shades of Grey – Kitty Rockabilly Model Singer and Pub Land Lady
Hello all! I’m Kitty Rockabilly Model Singer and Pub Land Lady! I’m a 24 year old Land Lady from Cheshire, best known for being the lead singer of Kitty and the tomcats a 50’s rockabilly band. I love all things retro and vintage, including music, fashion and especially cars.

I’ve had 4 classic cars, and at the moment I have a 1963 Hillman SuperMinx that you will see in many of my photos shoots.

Although I mostly model pin up this is not all that I do, I have some great shoots lined up for this year that include fetish rock and 1930’s. Up to date I have a photo shoot with Xposure studios, The Pinup Academy and most of my shoots are with Tony Smith Photography.
Kitty Rockabilly Modeling
Tony Smith Photography
Dreamland Vixens