Fast forward 36 years since the band’s formation
Classic cuts like “Headbanging man” and “Heavy metal breakdown” quickly established Grave Digger as one of Germany’s pioneering metal acts in the early 80’s.
Fast forward 36 years since the band’s formation, and their attitude hasn’t changed!
The title track and opener of Healed By Metal is a stomping anthem, stoic and proud yet still catchy and beastly.
Grave Digger stay true to their no-frills traditional brand of metal on album number eighteen, letting the thunder rain on endless roads “Lawbreaker” and indulging in epic melodies “Call For War”.
Here are your Ten Commandments of Metal!

Release date 13.01.2017
Photo by Jens Howorka
Tour dates
13.01.17 DE – Peine /Black Hand Inn
14.01.17 DE – Coesfeld / Fabrik
19.01.17 DE – Berlin / Columbia Theater
20.01.17 DE – Geiselwind / Eventzentrum Music Hall
21.01.17 DE – Glauchau / Alte Spinnerei
22.01.17 DE – Ludwigsburg / Rockfabrik
27.01.17 CH – Pratteln / Z7
28.01.17 AT – Graz / Explosiv
10.02.17 DE – Hamburg / Markthalle
11.02.17 DE – Bochum / Zeche
16.02.17 DE – München / Backstage
17.02.17 DE – Memmingen / Kaminwerk
18.02.17 DE – Andernach / Juz-Live-Club