Mi Cherie – Photo by Thomas Mattern – unART Fotokünst
Let’s see, where to start. I’m 32 years old, an Aquarius (2/12). I first started modeling in high school at 14 years old. As I grew up I modeled off and on, taking time off to start a family and raise my kids. I got married very young, a month and 4 days after my 17th birthday and as crazy as people thought we were, here we are 15 years later still married, still very much in love, and wouldn’t change a thing!

My hubby and I have 4 beautiful children, 2 boys, and 2 girls. I really started getting back into it within the past two years, now that my kids are more independent. I have tried many different themes and absolutely love being creative!
My favorite shoots are outdoors, in nature, my favorite place to be! I’m a very adventurous and out going, got to try everything at least once, type of person. I’ve gone sky diving, I love roller coasters, and enjoy hiking, always looking for new mountains to climb.

I plan to model for as long as I can, always wanting it to be a career. I have been published in 5 magazines within this past year and couldn’t be more excited about it. There are many more shoots in the works and I cant wait to share them with the world!