Hollow’s new album “Between Eternities of Darkness”
Hollow’s new album “Between Eternities of Darkness” features 10 tracks and 45 minutes of progressive power metal.
The album is a dark, cathartic tale about running from problems, facing adversities and searching for a place to fit in.
“Between Eternities of Darkness” is an album you should listen to from start to end.
“It’s a journey through a short period in a small family’s life. This particular period is dark and tragic, but they’ve seen better days. Light and beauty remain in memory.” says Andreas Stoltz.

The album was written and recorded during the fall of 2017 and early winter of 2018 plus mixed and mastered by Ronnie Björnström at Enhanced Audio Productions, Umeå, Sweden.
The music is melodic, emotional, atmospheric and of course from time to time crunchingly heavy. Andreas is also the vocalist of Binary Creed, whom have released two albums, “Restitution” (2014) and “A Battle Won” (2017) on Rockshots Records.