Meet the Italian and British siblings in the band MICCOLI, sensual, sweeping melodies mixed with a splash of melancholic vocals
The check-in. This time with Italian and British siblings in the band MICCOLI. Sensual, sweeping melodies mixed with a splash of melancholic vocals.
Is the band according to plan or have you more or less winged it? I guess a mixture of both — it’s never just a case of planning everything out and ta-dah it all falls into place, at times it’s the kind of profession where you learn on the job , you hope the love of music and your enthusiasm for it sees you through.
And what about the upcoming album? What can we expect musically? We are currently working on the album right now, the title of the album is “Arrhythmia”, it kills two birds with one stone – it literally refers to our experiences with heart conditions; arrhythmia — and also serves as a metaphor for dealing with matters of the heart emotionally.
Musically there is a mixture of both up-tempo and down tempo songs, anthem sounding against very intimate songs, either piano, acoustic and electric guitar lend. Hopefully something on there for everyone.
How would you like to describe your music to Azaria’s readers? It’s hard to describe our sound or draw on comparisons to help, but I guess its electric and acoustic guitar based with sibling harmonies that are interlaced throughout indie pop songs – creating a haunting and distinct sound that is Miccoli.
What is the recipe to your song writing? Smelling salts, ritual dances and pudding sacrifice to the music god’s – also starting with a cool guitar riff , piano piece or a word that sums up a song, then it’s just a question of building on that and solving the musical puzzle that is locked within.
Have your soft and sensual music always been a self-evident basis? I guess so, we always write from the heart and about matters of the heart — and they just turn out more chilled, reflective and sometime melancholy, we do whatever comes natural.
What is it like to write and record with your siblings? I guess it’s anything but smooth sailing? Like most families you do get the occasional epic argument, but on the whole we are all on the same page — we are all brutally honest with each other so that prevents any egos from arising. No diva tantrums, it’s just a case of getting on with it and getting the job done and remember to enjoy the process.

On your homepage it says that what you’ve been through on the road is more akin to a thrash metal band, I think we’d all like to get the details on that. Don’t be shy! I don’t think there’s enough space on here. What happens on the road stays on the road, I’m just thankful we are all in one piece still, but we’d give any rock ‘n’ roll band a run for their money, if we were comparing stories. You can still have fun even if you play acoustic guitars and piano.
How does Alessandro’s heart condition have an impact on the band as it is and sounds today? It really brought us closer together as band, it made us more focused on producing music that isn’t bastardize by labels and their opinions. Life is way too short to dance to anyone else’s tune, especially when you’re more than capable of writing and producing them yourself. It made us look deeper within ourselves and really found and understood the essence of our sound.
Tell us about the booklet launched at the House of Commons. We have very strong ties with C-R-Y — a foundation dedicated to cardiac risk in the young. From Alessandro’s initial diagnosis of his heart condition to his very last operation, C-R-Y were there every step of the way.
The C-R-Y booklet is a collection of short stories from young people who have been affected in someone way by heart conditions. Alessandro was more than happy to contribute. The launch took place at the prestigious House of Commons, it was an honor to be invited.
Sponsored by Clarion, and by the simple fact that you actually made contact with us on you own even though you are signed to a label, how much of a business sense do you think one must possess to make it in music these days? I think given the climate of social media today, it is crucial for bands to be as hands on as possible, to discover new outlets to share your music and engage with your audience on these platforms. It’s important for us to be involved in all aspects of the music industry as you can then truly represent and present your true self, without having to rely on others people’s visions.
This is Miccoli
Adriano Miccoli
Alessandro Miccoli
Francesca Miccoli
MICCOLI official website
MICCOLI on SoundCloud
MICCOLI on YouTube
MICCOLI on Facebook