Miss Tera Nicole is a model born and raised in Placerville, CA
Miss Tera Nicole is a model born and raised in Placerville, CA. 29 years old, she has been modeling for a few years and loves being in front of the camera!

When she isn’t modeling, she enjoys her job as a stylist and MUA. First published back in June 2014, she continues to pursue her passion for modeling, working with different photographers in a variety of styles and strives to produce photos everyone can enjoy.

Her work can be found in a variety of magazines, and she is one of the featured models for Hellrzzrclothing.com. Miss Tera has worked with DRaskin Photography, Shazaam Studios, and others.
She loves all types of modeling and can be found at Miss Tera Nicole on Facebook
Photo credits
Model – Miss Tera Nicole
Hair styled by Brandi Proffitt and April Mccloskey
Makeup by Brandi Proffitt
Photography by DRaskin Photography