Shannon Alce – Each day you are working with new people in a different setting and embodying a new story, character and persona
Working as a model is always new and exciting. Each day you are working with new people in a different setting and embodying a new story, character and persona. It’s an extremely effective way to channel creative energy into art. My main goal in modeling is to challenge myself to do more.

Be it more traveling, meeting more people, putting myself into different experiences and situations that I usually wouldn’t. I want to live life. I feel as though modeling opens doors for me that I may not have dared opened beforehand. In the future I would love to do some more traveling with modeling. I have been fortunate enough to do some but I would love to find a way to further connect my love of travel with my love of modeling.
I also find the cultural differences in the world of modeling and photography fascinating so I would love to learn the different styles. I have also started to get into some acting and I find that very rewarding as well. It is another avenue I am extremely interested in pursuing. As far as new projects, I have been collaborating with more clothing lines recently. Shooting a commercial as well as photos for launching a new company’s clothing line.
I like to have my hand in a couple different projects at all times to keep things interesting. I couldn’t pinpoint one moment that would be the most valuable in my career. I think all the unique experiences modeling has given me are extremely valuable. I have opened up a lot as a person since I have started modeling.
I have been able to allow myself to try things I would not have before and meet people I would have been too shy to say hi to. Modeling has given me a confidence that is hard to describe. I think that whenever my work brings others joy that makes my career extremely valuable. When I can create something that makes others feel that makes me extremely happy.